Down Hole Survey Multi Shot Inclinometer Drill Hole Azimuth and Dip Mesurement Tool Core Orientation instruments Digital downhole survey instrument that is multifunctional, easy to operate, highly accurate,robust andreliable.The Drill Hole Azimuth and Dip Mesurement Tool is capable of performing singleshot, multi-shot and orientation surveys; this means that a drillingcrew only has to be trained once to cover all surveying needs. The Drill Hole Azimuth and Dip Mesurement Tool is able to transfer vital downhole data inreal-time via our new android based inclinometer, What we can mesure?
Depth The depth is the depth of each station which CQGOLD App calculated according to the interval you set. Azimuth
Azimuth is the horizontal angle measured clockwise from the magnetic north. If the survey tool points towards the magnetic north, the azimuth will be 0°. The azimuth will be a number between 0° and 360°. Other types of magnetic materials can interfere with the earth magnetics field and can lead to wrong azimuth results. Inclination
Inclination is the angle between the horizontal plane and the direction of the survey tool. GDP-4QZT use +90°as vertical up, 0°is horizontal and -90°is vertical down. If interested in Down Hole Survey Multi Shot Inclinometer Drill Hole Azimuth and Dip Mesurement Tool Core Orientation instruments, please feel free to contact us