Hydrological Instrument Hydrological Equipment for Underground Water Detector Geophysical Equipment price

1. Main Applications
Hydrological Instrument Hydrological Equipment for Underground Water Detector Geophysical Equipment price
Widely used for high-resolution research, tomography and monitoring applications.
Coal mining gobs, caves of Custer area, geological disasters survey like landslides other geological disasters.
High resolution engineering geological exploration like factory foundations, highways, bridges, railways, civil engineering, hydrology, engineering, environmental.
For landslides and other geological disaster exploration.
Metal and non-metallic mineral resources exploration and geothermal exploration.
Main Features
Hydrological Instrument Hydrological Equipment for Underground Water Detector Geophysical Equipment price
Multiple function in one machine: The instrument has four functions including long lead IP instrument, 2D high density resistivity meter, 2D high-density IP instrument, and medium-power short lead transmitter.
Easy for Operation: The instrument adopts all-digital automatic measurement, thus can execute automatic compensation for spontaneous potential, drift and electrode polarization. By adopting large screen LCD display in Chinese characters, more than fourteen types of wiring working mode can be directly displayed in high-density measurement mode; In DZD-6A stand-alone mode, nine types of electrode arranging methods can be directly displayed; Meanwhile, real-time curve display can be realized during working.
Extra-large Storage: In high-density mode, the instrument can store the measured data at 120, 000 measuring points; In DZD-6A stand-alone mode, the instrument can store the measured data at 4, 800 measuring points; There are 22 digits at each measuring points, provided with RS-232 serial interface, and the stored data can be directly transferred to the computer by means of appropriate software to carry out digital interpretation for various methods.
Technical Specifications
Hydrological Instrument Hydrological Equipment for Underground Water Detector Geophysical Equipment price
Measuring unit ( DZD-6A)
Maximum Measuring Voltage: -6000mV~+6000mV
Measuring Voltage Resolution: 0.01 mV
Measuring Voltage Accuracy: (at Vp>10mV)± 5%, ± 1 digit; (at Vp<10mV)± 1%, ± 1 digit
Suppression on 50Hz Power Frequency: 80dB
Measuring Current: 0~5000 mA
Measuring Current Resolution: 0.01 mA
Measuring Current Accuracy: (at Ip>10mA)± 5%, ± 1 digit; (at Ip<10mA) ± 1% ± Letter
Input Impedance ≥ 50 MΩ
Measured Apparent Polarizability Accuracy: ± 1%, ± 1 digit
Maximum Power Supply Voltage 900V
Maximum Power Supply Current: 5A
Power Supply Pulse Width: 1~60 sec.
Weight: 8 kg
Volume: 305× 200× 202mm
DUK-2A Multiplex Electrode Converter
Hydrological Instrument Hydrological Equipment for Underground Water Detector Geophysical Equipment price
Conversion Electrodes: 60 channels or 120 channels
Sopported manual configuration: Wenner, Schlumberger 1, Schlumberger 2, Dipole-Dipole, Combined Profiles, Differential, Pole-Pole, Triple-Pole Rolling,
Operating Mode: 16-key keypad with 90 character LCD display combines to form man-machine dialogue operation.
Maximum Allowable Current: 2A
Maximum Withstand Voltage: 500V DC
Insulating Property: 500MΩ
Electroshock Break-over Resistance: Smaller than 0.1Ω
Power Consumption: 50 mA (Standby)
Power Supply: 1# Dry Cell (or rechargeable battery with the same specification) 8 pcs.
Working Temperature: -10° C~ +50° C, 95%Rh
Weight: 7 kg (60 channels), 7.5kg (120 channels)
Volume: 305× 200× 202mm (60 channels), 324× 200× 245mm (120 channels