DC Resistivity Meter Ves Underground Water Detector Sp Resistivity Survey Meter Resistivity Survey 1d Electrical Resistivity Sounding Meter Water Detection

Groundwater Exploration: One of the primary applications of these instruments is to locate and delineate underground water resources. By measuring the electrical resistivity of the subsurface layers, these meters can identify potential aquifers, map groundwater flow patterns, and determine the depth and thickness of water-bearing formations.
Mineral Exploration: DC resistivity meters are extensively used in mineral exploration to detect ore bodies, mineral deposits, and geological structures associated with mineralization. Variations in resistivity can indicate the presence of different rock types, alteration zones, and mineralized zones, aiding in prospecting and resource assessment.
Geological Mapping: These instruments are valuable for geological mapping and subsurface characterization. By conducting resistivity surveys across a study area, geologists can create detailed models of subsurface lithology, fault zones, stratigraphic layers, and structural features, providing insights into the geological history and tectonic evolution of the region.
1D resistivity meter use VES method to find underground water up to 500m depth
WDDS-2 is the basic resistivity meter only with function of 1D Res Sounding. WDDS-2B designed with a internal high power on the basis of WDDS-2, up to 200V.
1D Resistivity vertical electrical sounding
Engineering and Construction: These instruments are employed in civil engineering and construction projects for site characterization, foundation design, and infrastructure planning. By conducting resistivity surveys, engineers can evaluate subsurface conditions, assess soil stability, identify potential hazards such as cavities or voids, and optimize construction techniques to mitigate risks and ensure the safety and integrity of structures.
Geothermal Exploration: DC resistivity meters are used in geothermal exploration to identify subsurface heat sources, delineate reservoirs, and assess the feasibility of geothermal energy production. Variations in resistivity can indicate areas of enhanced fluid circulation and thermal anomalies associated with geothermal systems, guiding the siting of exploration wells and the development of geothermal resources.
Archaeological Investigations: In archaeology, DC resistivity meters are employed for non-invasive subsurface surveys to locate buried archaeological features, ancient structures, and cultural artifacts. By measuring resistivity contrasts between buried remains and surrounding soil, archaeologists can identify potential excavation targets and plan targeted field investigations to uncover hidden heritage sites.
Max transmit power |
3500w |
Max voltage |
±1000V |
Max current |
±3.5A |
Power supply pulse waveform |
1:1 |
It is to study the distribution characteristics and laws of DC electric field related to geological bodies for prospecting and solving some geological problems. The field sources used by DC method are artificial and natural. The differences of electrical properties used include the differences of resistivity and polarizability of rocks and ores. The measured parameters include apparent resistivity (PS) and apparent polarizability (NS). The DC method using artificial field source includes resistivity profile method, resistivity sounding method, charging method, DC induced polarization method, etc. There are natural electric field method and so on.
Vertical electrical sounding meter, DC resistivity meter, VES resistivity meter, resistivity and SP meter, resistivity meter for water exploration, 1D resistivity survey instrument, geophysical resistivity survey meter